KubeCon+CloudNativeCon@Chicago 2023 Nov

I joined KubeCon + CloudNativeCon that was held at Chicago in 2023 Nov 6-9. It was so fun! I will share what excited me at the event!

  1. Contributed the OpenTelemetry Project
  2. Argo Community is so energetic
  3. eBPF + Cilium is a future
  4. Architect my Future

Contributed the OpenTelemetry Project

I attended Contribfest of OpenTelemetry. Contributors kindly taught us about OpenTelemetry projects’ overview and how to contribute to the projects. Also, they prepared issues with Contribfest tag that were relatively easy to solve.

I picked up a issue that pointed out Golang’s linting problem. My PR was merged during the contribfest!

That was a grate opportunity to learn how to contribute OSS projects. I also enjoyed talking with real contributors.

Argo Community is so energetic

On the first day, CNCF-hosted Co-located Events were held. That included more than 10 Conferences including ArgoCon, BackstageCon, CiliumCon etc. Most events used only one conference room, but ArgoCon used three conference rooms, that means Argo Community is so energetic!

Also, Certified Argo Project Associate was announced.

Certified Argo Project Associate

I believed that Argo would become more and more useful for developers to ship products effectively and safely. In addition that, Argo would be an essential tool for managing Data & AI workloads.

For my job, Mapbox Ads(β), we chose Argo as a CD tool and I was relieved that I was correct choice.

eBPF + Cilium is a future

I was so interested in eBPF, so I attended several sessions for eBPF. Cilium is one of the successful projects that take advantage of eBPF.

I watched a documental movie named UNLOCKING THE KERNEL, enjoying Chicago popcorn. That movie excited me and motivated me to learn and contribute to eBPF + Cilium.

Cilium is not a just CNI, it also can create ServiceMesh and enhance Security. In addition that, it is super fast because it used eBPF!

Architect my Future

The event’s catchphrase was Architect Your Future. So, I will architecture my future a bit.

I experienced CNCF community’s power at the conference. I believe that CNCF community will contribute next innovations such as AI, Edge and Environmental Sustainability. I want to be a part of that innovation, so I made simple action items.

  • Learn and contribute to eBPF + Cilium
  • Making CD more effective and safer with ArgoProjects’ tools
  • Check CNCF’s trends on each communities’ Slack channels.

I really appreciate my company and colleagues for allowing me to attend KubeCon and CloudNativeCon!