KubeCon+CloudNativeCon@Chicago 2023 Nov

I joined KubeCon + CloudNativeCon that was held at Chicago in 2023 Nov 6-9. It was so fun! I will share what excited me at the event! Contributed the OpenTelemetry ProjectArgo Community is so energeticeBPF + Cilium is a futureArchitect my Future Contributed the OpenTelemetry Project I attended Contribfest of OpenTelemetry. Contributors kindly taught us… Continue reading KubeCon+CloudNativeCon@Chicago 2023 Nov

Get kube-proxy’s metrics manually

TL;DR In this article, I will explain how to get kube-proxy's metrics via a curl command from a pod via the following command. curl -s \ Monitoring a Kubernetes cluster with Prometheus Monitoring a Kubernetes cluster with Prometheus is useful for building dashboards and alerts. However, not many DevOps engineers may understand how Prometheus… Continue reading Get kube-proxy’s metrics manually

Get kube-controller-manager’s metrics manually

TL;DR In this article, I will explain how to get kube-controller-manager's metrics via a curl command from a pod via the following command. curl -s -k -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token)" Monitoring a Kubernetes cluster with Prometheus Monitoring a Kubernetes cluster with Prometheus is useful for building dashboards and alerts. However, not many DevOps… Continue reading Get kube-controller-manager’s metrics manually

Get kube-scheduler’s metrics manually

TL;DR In this article, I will explain how to get kube-scheduler's metrics via a curl command from a pod via the following command. curl -s -k \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token)" \ Monitoring a Kubernetes cluster with PrometheusPreparationKubernetes clusterkube-schedulerbind-address and portIP addressGet kube-scheduler's metricsCreate a ClusterRole and a ServiceAccountCreate a Pod from which… Continue reading Get kube-scheduler’s metrics manually

Get kube-apiserver’s metrics manually

TL;DR In this article, I will explain how to get kube-apiserver's metrics via a curl command from a pod via the following command. curl \ --cacert /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token)" \ https://kubernetes.default.svc/metrics Monitoring a Kubernetes cluster with PrometheusPreparationKubernetes clusterkube-apiserver Pod and ServiceGet kube-apiserver's metricsCreate a ClusterRole and a ServiceAccountCreate a Pod from… Continue reading Get kube-apiserver’s metrics manually

Install Sealed Secrets via Helm

Encrypt and Decrypt with Sealed Secret Problems of Secrets in GitOps Kubernetes stores secrets as base64-encoded strings in manifests, so we shouldn't store secrets' manifests in a Git repository. That means we cannot practice GitOps for secrets. Sealed Secrets can solve this problem using encryption! In this article, I will explain how to install Sealed… Continue reading Install Sealed Secrets via Helm

Access k8s-api-server via curl

I will explain how to access k8s-api-server via curl. Through this hands-on exercise, you will gain an understanding of authenticating with k8s-api-server using client certificates and keys. Additionally, by communicating with k8s-api-server via curl, you will become more familiar with its usage. ⎈ PreparationGenerate private key and certificate from kubeconfigGenerate client private keyGenerate client certificateCheck… Continue reading Access k8s-api-server via curl

Kubernetes on Apple Silicon Mac with kubeadm and multipass

I will explain how to install Kubernetes on an Apple Silicon Mac using kubeadm and Multipass. In this blog, we will create a Kubernetes cluster with one master node and one worker node. Note: For production environments, it is recommended to have three master nodes and multiple worker nodes for redundancy. Why Multipass? When I… Continue reading Kubernetes on Apple Silicon Mac with kubeadm and multipass