First Contribution to the Tetragon Project

In my previous post, I described setting up my Tetragon development environment on macOS. Following that, I dove into the Tetragon documentation to start learning the ropes! However, I encountered issues with certain commands not working due to differences in Docker image versions and the ARM CPU. To resolve this, I submitted a few pull… Continue reading First Contribution to the Tetragon Project

Set up Tetragon Develop environment on MacOS with lima

TL;DR In this post, I will share how to set the Tetragon Develop environment on MacOS with lima. Also, this environment can be used not only to develop but also to try Tetragon directly, in docker, and Kubernetes on MacOS 🐝. Tetragon Develom environment Set up a Virtual MachineInstall limaPrepare a VM templateCreate a VMCheck… Continue reading Set up Tetragon Develop environment on MacOS with lima

Get kube-proxy’s metrics manually

TL;DR In this article, I will explain how to get kube-proxy's metrics via a curl command from a pod via the following command. curl -s \ Monitoring a Kubernetes cluster with Prometheus Monitoring a Kubernetes cluster with Prometheus is useful for building dashboards and alerts. However, not many DevOps engineers may understand how Prometheus… Continue reading Get kube-proxy’s metrics manually

Get kube-controller-manager’s metrics manually

TL;DR In this article, I will explain how to get kube-controller-manager's metrics via a curl command from a pod via the following command. curl -s -k -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat /var/run/secrets/" Monitoring a Kubernetes cluster with Prometheus Monitoring a Kubernetes cluster with Prometheus is useful for building dashboards and alerts. However, not many DevOps… Continue reading Get kube-controller-manager’s metrics manually

Get kube-scheduler’s metrics manually

TL;DR In this article, I will explain how to get kube-scheduler's metrics via a curl command from a pod via the following command. curl -s -k \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat /var/run/secrets/" \ Monitoring a Kubernetes cluster with PrometheusPreparationKubernetes clusterkube-schedulerbind-address and portIP addressGet kube-scheduler's metricsCreate a ClusterRole and a ServiceAccountCreate a Pod from which… Continue reading Get kube-scheduler’s metrics manually

Get kube-apiserver’s metrics manually

TL;DR In this article, I will explain how to get kube-apiserver's metrics via a curl command from a pod via the following command. curl \ --cacert /var/run/secrets/ \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat /var/run/secrets/" \ https://kubernetes.default.svc/metrics Monitoring a Kubernetes cluster with PrometheusPreparationKubernetes clusterkube-apiserver Pod and ServiceGet kube-apiserver's metricsCreate a ClusterRole and a ServiceAccountCreate a Pod from… Continue reading Get kube-apiserver’s metrics manually

Use an AWS S3 trigger in k8s with Argo Events

S3 event-driven workflow Use an Amazon S3 trigger in k8s Invoking AWS lambda functions using the Amazon S3 trigger is a very famous system design pattern on AWS. It can save compute resources and costs. However, once you decide to use k8s as a platform, you may hesitate to use Function as a Service for… Continue reading Use an AWS S3 trigger in k8s with Argo Events

Install Argo Workflows via Helm and Create a simple workflow

A simple workflow with Argo Workflows Container-native Workflow engine Argo Workflows is an open source container-native workflow engine for orchestrating parallel jobs on Kubernetes. It's been used for many use cases, such as Machine Learning pipelines, Infrastructure automation, and CI/CD. In this article, I will explain how to install it via Helm and create a… Continue reading Install Argo Workflows via Helm and Create a simple workflow